Sunday, January 3, 2010

Information technology

The inception of microcomuters signified the first step towards disruptive innovation within the IT industry. The mainframes just had to go - their size, clock speed and efficiency were simply not up to the mark. So it was the microcomputers - faster, efficient and having a smaller size than the mainframes - that prevailed. then came the internet- disruption in the older form of communication. Easier to send and receive mails than the postal system and easier to talk through voice system and easier to talk through voice chat and, now ,through internet telephony. The internet revolutionised the world. It rendered the telephone and the postal system obsolete. Moving on, USB flash drives allowed for more memory storage along with portability. Now , with a capacity of up to 20 gigabytes, the amount of date these devices can store is unimaginable for a floppy disk or CD-ROM .Thus, it has effectively taken over the floppy disk and rewriteable compact disc as our major portable memory device.

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